This is a community project that I and fellow artist, Heidi Clemen and the Tillamook County Ford Foundation Leadership Cohort started in 2009. There are three cow sculptures that have been placed off major roads north, central and south Tillamook County. The structures were designed by Heidi and myself. The steel rod frames were welded by us with the help of Tillamook High School welding classes. The two layers of cement were done with help of many community members. The paintings were designed and painted by high school art classes and other children in the county. Countless hours, volunteer assistance and free advice saw the project completed by the Summer of 2011.
Slide Show One
This starts with my welding one of the cow steel armatures and continues through to moving and adding a grey coat and the final white coat.
Slideshow Two
These are some pictures of the pieces in process with many of the community workers that helped cover the armatures with the hyper tufa cement coat and the final white cement coat.
These are a couple of articles from our local paper about the project.